SAT/ACT Tutoring With
Top Score Tutors

Quality and affordable 1-on-1 SAT/ACT tutoring with experienced and engaging tutors.

Low SAT/ACT Score?

One of the biggest reasons high school students aren’t accepted into college is a low SAT/ACT score. Our students receive individualized attention from tutors who excelled on the SAT/ACT, make lessons fun, and are invested in your success. That’s why after only 10 hours of tutoring, students improve by an average of 100 points.

All sessions are strictly 1-on-1 to ensure you receive the focus and attention needed to feel more confident and put this test behind you.

Admissions Barrier

Low SAT/ACT scores often block high school students from college acceptance.

Personalized Tutoring

Our tutors, top scorers themselves, make learning enjoyable and are dedicated.

Rapid Improvement

Students typically boost their scores by 100 points in just 10 hours.

Tailored Approach

Our 1-on-1 sessions ensure you gain the confidence needed to ace the test.

 What Sets Top Score Tutors Apart?

Experienced & Engaging Tutors

We don’t let just anyone join our team. Our tutors have logged thousands of teaching hours in both 1-on-1 and group settings. Not only did they score in the top percentiles on the test, but they are genunely passionate when it comes to working with students and helping them succeed.

Fully Invested

As a team, we are all fully invested in this process. For students to succeed, it requires 100% effort from everyone involved. Our tutors keep their students accountable, parents are involved every step of the way, and we’re always available for support outside of the tutoring sessions.

Proven Results

On average, students improve 100 points after only 10 hours of tutoring. Our tutoring is strictly 1-on-1 so each student can receive the individualized attention needed to reach their full potential.

3 Steps To A Higher SAT/ACT Score

3 Steps To A Higher SAT/ACT Score ✶

1) Diagnostic Test

We start by assigning you a full-length diagnostic test to identify strengths and weaknesses.

We then identify your specific issues: maybe you forgot basic math formulas, struggle with timing, or can’t break down large word problems. Whatever your issues are, we’ll identify them.

2) 1-on-1 Tutoring

Your assigned tutor will do a full analysis of the diagnostic test results. Then, we create a personalized curriculum that teaches core academic concepts as well as valuable test taking tips, tricks, and strategies. This will be taught during weekly sessions that are scheduled around your availability.

3) Practice, Practice, Practice!

Homework is crucial for us to you are implementing the strategies and concepts being taught, and also allows us to continuously identify new areas of weakness.

We assign 1-2 hours of homework each week to reinforce the concepts taught and ensure you are practicing outside of your tutoring sessions.

Real Results & Score Improvements

Meet The Team


  • We offer a ‘pay as you go’ option for $90/hour, or you can opt for a 10 hour package ($800).

    There are no costs to sign up, and no contracts or hidden fees. You can cancel anytime. During the registration process, we collect your credit/debit card information and securely store it with Stripe. You will be charged based on the payment option you select. A receipt will be sent to your email after each transaction.

  • Our tutoring occurs via video conferencing (Zoom, Google Meet, etc). To maximize student engagement and retention, our teaching philosophy emphasizes student-led instruction, which promotes a consistent back-and-forth dialogue between student and tutor. We do our best to minimize traditional lecture. We also require cameras to be on and screens be shared. In-person tutoring is available throughout Miami-Dade County on a limited basis.

  • Your tutor will provide you with a booking link that is connected to their calendar. Whenever you want to schedule a session, just click on the scheduling link and choose an available day/time that works best for you! No need for back an forth emailing or texting.

    Meetings are typically scheduled on weekday afternoons (after school hours) and evenings. Weekends are available upon request.

  • For maximum score improvement, students are expected to schedule a minimum of two sessions per week. Students have the option to schedule 60 or 90 minute sessions.

  • Yes, homework is crucial for score improvement to occur. You will receive 1-2 hours of homework on a weekly basis. Homework consists of individual questions that reinforce concepts previously taught, or timed practice to identify new areas of weakness.

  • We don’t let just anyone join our team. Our tutors have collectively logged thcusands of teaching hours in both 1-on-1 and group settings. Not only did they score in the top percentiles on the SAT/ACT, but they truly care about their students and do their absolute best to help them succeed. Click here to meet them!

  • Every student and parent that works with us is pleased with their overall experience and score improvement. We have a perfect 5.0 rating on Google. Click here to read our Google reviews and Youtube testimonials from former students and parents.

  • We are very confident that all of our tutors do an excellent job and work well with students. If you don't like your tutor, we will have another tutor reach out right away. Student/tutor compatibility is crucial for success. If a student likes their tutor, they are more likely to pay attention, do their homework, and look the sessions. We thoughtfully pair students with tutors who they will connect with.

  • Contact us directly and we will send you the new student registrtion form and diagnostic assessment insructions. Once both are completed, you will be assigned a tutor who will reach out to introduce themselves and begin scheduling sessions. Our phone number is 954.649.1216 or by email

Top Score Tutors Free Consultation

Fill out the form below and we will reach out to address any questions you may have.